February 4, 2018 – By Vivian Currie
Investors sentiment increased to 2.45 in Q3 2017. Its up 0.86, from 1.59 in 2017Q2. It increased, as 8 investors sold Simmons First National Corporation shares while 25 reduced holdings. 19 funds opened positions while 62 raised stakes. 18.35 million shares or 7.56% more from 17.06 million shares in 2017Q2 were reported.
California State Teachers Retirement Systems invested in 0.01% or 49,557 shares. Schroder Management Group holds 0.03% or 346,011 shares. Guggenheim Cap Limited Liability Com owns 10,502 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Citigroup reported 24,676 shares. Brandywine Global Invest Management Limited Liability Com holds 61,147 shares or 0.02% of its portfolio. Citadel Advisors Ltd owns 63,222 shares or 0% of their US portfolio. Piermont Capital Mgmt holds 0.74% of its portfolio in Simmons First National Corporation (NASDAQ:SFNC) for 38,370 shares. 2,531 were accumulated by Ameritas Invest. Natl Bank Of Montreal Can reported 0% of its portfolio in Simmons First National Corporation (NASDAQ:SFNC). Ameriprise holds 0% or 172,355 shares in its portfolio. Investment Counselors Of Maryland Lc stated it has 263,875 shares or 0.78% of all its holdings. Us Bankshares De has 0% invested in Simmons First National Corporation (NASDAQ:SFNC). Ubs Asset Americas invested 0% in Simmons First National Corporation (NASDAQ:SFNC). Northern Trust owns 535,990 shares. Parametric Port Associate Limited Company holds 0% or 70,968 shares.
Since August 11, 2017, it had 1 insider buy, and 7 sales for $10.97 million activity. The insider KIRKLAND CHRISTOPHER R sold $2.75 million. HUNT EUGENE sold $61,944 worth of Simmons First National Corporation (NASDAQ:SFNC) on Friday, August 11. MAKRIS GEORGE JR had bought 2,500 shares worth $145,250 on Thursday, January 25.
The stock of Simmons First National Corporation (SFNC) shows a multiple tops pattern with $62.91 target or 6.00 % above today’s $59.35 share price. The 5 months chart pattern indicates low risk for the $2.73 billion company. It was reported on Feb, 4 by Finviz.com. If the $62.91 price target is reached, the company will be worth $163.98M more.
Multiple tops are chart patterns with decent performance in a bull market. The failure rate is higher but the average decline is reasonable. Back-tests of such patterns show that the break even failure rate is 10%, the average rise: 19%, the throwback rate: 61% and the percentage of stocks meeting their price targets: 40%.
The stock decreased 0.67% or $0.4 during the last trading session, reaching $59.35. About 326,450 shares traded or 5.57% up from the average. Simmons First National Corporation (NASDAQ:SFNC) has risen 13.31% since February 4, 2017 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 3.39% the S&P500.
Simmons First National Corporation (NASDAQ:SFNC) Ratings Coverage
Among 7 analysts covering Simmons First National (NASDAQ:SFNC), 3 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 43% are positive. Simmons First National has $70.0 highest and $53 lowest target. $62’s average target is 4.47% above currents $59.35 stock price. Simmons First National had 23 analyst reports since August 25, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Underperform” rating given on Wednesday, January 25 by Raymond James. Stephens upgraded the stock to “Buy” rating in Friday, July 21 report. The rating was downgraded by Sandler O’Neill on Tuesday, November 22 to “Sell”. As per Tuesday, August 25, the company rating was upgraded by Zacks. Piper Jaffray initiated the stock with “Neutral” rating in Monday, September 21 report. The company was downgraded on Friday, October 23 by Raymond James. Sandler O’Neill maintained Simmons First National Corporation (NASDAQ:SFNC) rating on Thursday, January 4. Sandler O’Neill has “Hold” rating and $63.0 target. Keefe Bruyette & Woods maintained the shares of SFNC in report on Thursday, December 21 with “Hold” rating. On Wednesday, October 26 the stock rating was downgraded by Keefe Bruyette & Woods to “Mkt Perform”. The firm has “Hold” rating given on Thursday, November 16 by Piper Jaffray.
More notable recent Simmons First National Corporation (NASDAQ:SFNC) news were published by: Globenewswire.com which released: “Susan Lanigan Joins Simmons First National Corporation Board of Directors” on May 26, 2017, also Seekingalpha.com with their article: “Simmons First National’s (SFNC) CEO George Makris on Q2 2017 Results …” published on July 20, 2017, Globenewswire.com published: “Simmons First National Corporation Completes Acquisition of Hardeman County …” on May 15, 2017. More interesting news about Simmons First National Corporation (NASDAQ:SFNC) were released by: Streetinsider.com and their article: “Simmons First National Corp (SFNC) Reports Q4 EPS of $0.97 Ex-Items” published on January 22, 2018 as well as Nasdaq.com‘s news article titled: “Simmons First National Corporation (SFNC) Ex-Dividend Date Scheduled for …” with publication date: September 13, 2017.
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