February 10, 2018 – By Dolores Ford
Investors sentiment increased to 1.15 in Q3 2017. Its up 0.17, from 0.98 in 2017Q2. It improved, as 69 investors sold Delta Air Lines, Inc. shares while 247 reduced holdings. 92 funds opened positions while 271 raised stakes. 589.14 million shares or 3.18% less from 608.49 million shares in 2017Q2 were reported.
Livingston Asset Mgmt (Operating As Southport Capital Management) holds 50,276 shares or 1.03% of its portfolio. Kentucky Retirement Systems owns 45,194 shares. National Svcs Wi reported 40,476 shares stake. Alyeska Inv Grp Lp reported 1.56% of its portfolio in Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE:DAL). Scopus Asset Mgmt Ltd Partnership stated it has 0.07% in Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE:DAL). Art Advsr Ltd Liability Corp owns 0.16% invested in Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE:DAL) for 63,400 shares. Perigon Wealth Mgmt stated it has 85 shares. State Of Alaska Department Of Revenue holds 0.05% or 19,644 shares in its portfolio. Cardinal Mgmt Inc reported 13,000 shares. Miles Cap holds 0.15% of its portfolio in Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE:DAL) for 5,400 shares. First Manhattan holds 0% of its portfolio in Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE:DAL) for 920 shares. Northwest Inv Counselors Ltd Com, Oregon-based fund reported 100 shares. Lansdowne Ptnrs (Uk) Limited Liability Partnership holds 13.27% of its portfolio in Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE:DAL) for 26.42 million shares. 37,485 are held by Dreman Value Mngmt L L C. Vident Invest Advisory Lc has invested 0.14% of its portfolio in Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE:DAL).
Since October 12, 2017, it had 1 buying transaction, and 12 selling transactions for $26.14 million activity. Shares for $2.97M were sold by Jacobson Paul A. 894 Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE:DAL) shares with value of $50,511 were sold by Smith Joanne D. BLAKE FRANCIS S bought $200,193 worth of stock or 3,350 shares. 9,000 shares were sold by West W Gilbert, worth $504,540. $1.76M worth of stock was sold by HAUENSTEIN GLEN W on Friday, December 15. The insider Sear Steven M sold $365,628.
The stock of Delta Air Lines Incorporated (NYSE:DAL) registered an increase of 8.31% in short interest. DAL’s total short interest was 9.96 million shares in February as published by FINRA. Its up 8.31% from 9.20M shares, reported previously. With 6.10 million shares average volume, it will take short sellers 2 days to cover their DAL’s short positions. The short interest to Delta Air Lines Incorporated’s float is 1.49%.
The stock decreased 1.50% or $0.77 during the last trading session, reaching $50.46. About 19.05M shares traded or 129.05% up from the average. Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE:DAL) has risen 11.83% since February 10, 2017 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 4.87% the S&P500.
Delta Air Lines, Inc. provides scheduled air transportation for passengers and cargo in the United States and internationally. The company has market cap of $35.84 billion. The firm operates through two divisions, Airline and Refinery. It has a 10.19 P/E ratio. The Company’s route network is centered around a system of hubs, international gateways, and airports in Amsterdam, Atlanta, Boston, Detroit, London-Heathrow, Los Angeles, Minneapolis-St.
Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE:DAL) Ratings Coverage
Among 20 analysts covering Delta Air Lines (NYSE:DAL), 20 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. Delta Air Lines had 68 analyst reports since August 3, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Evercore upgraded the shares of DAL in report on Thursday, March 16 to “Outperform” rating. The rating was maintained by Cowen & Co on Friday, December 9 with “Outperform”. Imperial Capital maintained Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE:DAL) on Friday, October 14 with “In-Line” rating. The stock of Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE:DAL) has “Buy” rating given on Friday, July 15 by Deutsche Bank. The rating was maintained by Stephens with “Buy” on Monday, January 8. Morgan Stanley maintained Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE:DAL) on Thursday, April 28 with “Overweight” rating. The company was maintained on Wednesday, October 21 by Argus Research. The firm has “Buy” rating by Stifel Nicolaus given on Thursday, May 25. The stock has “In-Line” rating by Imperial Capital on Wednesday, August 24. Stephens maintained Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE:DAL) on Monday, December 18 with “Buy” rating.
More notable recent Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE:DAL) news were published by: Seekingalpha.com which released: “Delta: Cheap Just Got A Lot Cheaper” on January 15, 2018, also Fool.com with their article: “Delta Air Lines, Inc. Q4 Earnings: Revenue Momentum Returns” published on January 11, 2018, Gurufocus.com published: “Gendell Jeffrey L Buys Delta Air Lines Inc, SPDR S&P Regional Banking, United …” on February 10, 2018. More interesting news about Delta Air Lines, Inc. (NYSE:DAL) were released by: Streetinsider.com and their article: “Form 4 DELTA AIR LINES INC /DE/ For: Feb 08 Filed by: HAUENSTEIN GLEN W” published on February 09, 2018 as well as Bizjournals.com‘s news article titled: “Morning storms force Delta to divert flights from Atlanta” with publication date: February 07, 2018.
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