Ever since it opened at Disneyland in 1969, the Haunted Mansion has spooked and delighted millions and millions of Disney Parks guests from all over the world. Now, with the Disney Treasure’s Haunted Mansion Parlor, there is a brand-new way to experience this beloved attraction while in the middle of the ocean on Disney’s newest cruise ship.
Disney invited us on the Disney Treasure Media Preview Sailing and we had the chance to not only check out the Haunted Mansion Parlor and all of its haunts, but we also were able to speak to a couple of the Imagineers behind bringing this nautical twist on the attraction we all love to life.
Welcome, Foolish Mortals
The Haunted Mansion Parlor feels like the perfect extension of The Haunted Mansion itself and just screams authenticity. From the iconic ticking clock sound to a floating Madame Leota to eerily familiar paintings that hide dark secrets to hitchhiking ghosts and the always wonderful ‘Grim Grinning Ghosts,’ there is so much love and care put into every inch of this lounge. However, this isn’t just a smaller version of the Haunted Mansion. No, this is its own wonderful place with its own story to tell that shouldn’t be missed.
“We built our own mythology here because we’re on a cruise ship, so we wanted it to have a nautical twist to everything,” Danny Handke, senior creative director at Walt Disney Imagineering, said. “And we built it all around this Captain character who is currently dead but lives on in this place and even in a portrait in the lounge.
“This is the Captain’s lounge, and the story is he rescued his bride-to-be who is actually a murderous mermaid you can also meet in the parlor. They get engaged and things start to go wrong and that’s where the real Haunted Mansion story comes into play. More of the story is then told in various ways around the space and you have the option to discover it on your own and figure out what the lore is.”
One of the biggest additions to this lore is the centerpiece of the Haunted Mansion Parlor – an aquarium with ghost fish. While this alone seems like a very cool concept, its history goes way back to when the original Haunted Mansion was being developed.
The Haunted Mansion Parlor on the Disney Treasure
“The Haunted Mansion was worked on and developed for 10 years before it opened in 1969 at Disneyland for the first time and there were so many things that didn’t make it in,” Daniel Jones, executive illusions & effects development at Walt Disney Imagineering, told me. “So, with love, we looked at all these concepts and what really popped out were the Museum of the Weird elements that Imagineer Rolly Crump had worked on. Most of all however, the team and I agreed the Ghost Fish Aquarium was a must because it’s the perfect fit.”
The Museum of the Weird was set to be a companion walkthrough experience to the Haunted Mansion but it never saw the light of day due in part to Walt’s passing. Variations of some of the planned pieces of the museum – from the ‘Donald Armchair’ near the Endless Hallway to the iconic wallpaper – made it into the Haunted Mansion, and now one more of Crump’s designs can be celebrated. While this was an exciting prospect for the team, it also proved to be one of the parlor’s most difficult challenges.
“The Ghost Fish Aquarium was a call it action to my team and I because a lot of illusions and things that we like to do tend to be in the dark and from one point of view and, as you know, the aquarium is the central piece and can be seen from all sides,” Joseph said. “You can look through and see other people behind it. So it is, for all intents and purposes, a real fish tank just like you’d normally have but with ghost fish.”
Getting this bit of “Disney Magic” came down to the wire as it wasn’t quite to the standard of Walt Disney Imagineering until after it was already installed on the ship.
“The aquarium is a great example of typical Disney Magic where there’s a lot of technology in it but you don’t see any of it or don’t even question it,” Joseph said. “This thing was mocked up and developed probably four years ago and since then we’ve been kind of tweaking on and off how it would work and what’s in it. And, really to the last minute, we didn’t have it fully working to what we all knew it could do until it was on the ship, which is pretty late in our process.”
“The aquarium is a great example of typical Disney Magic where there’s a lot of technology in it but you don’t see any of it or don’t even question it.”
Grim Grinning Ghosts Galore
While Joseph didn’t reveal all the tricks that finally brought the aquarium to the finish line, he and Handke did share how Imagineering made the rest of the parlor feel just as real and believable as the ghost fish are.
We spoke previously about the paintings that change before your eyes in the parlor, which are very much in the style of those found in the original Haunted Mansion by Marc Davis, but Imagineering once again went above and beyond to honor the past while paving a new way forward.
“What we’re really proud of about this paintings is a new technique that we use where you can go right up on top of them, put your face right near it, and it looks and seems like a real painting,” Joseph shared. “Just like in a museum, you can go up and see the texture of the art, all the brush strokes, and even the glossiness and the matte finish of the oil paint.”
This is made even more impressive by the fact that these paintings do change and move, from the captain becoming a skeleton to his bride-to-be showing her true form as that murderous mermaid.
However, Imagineering was careful never to go too far and leave what we all expect from the Haunted Mansion behind. In fact, their passion for the attraction is one of the main reasons it feels so authentic. This is perhaps seen best in the mirror behind the bar where we see the hitchhiking ghosts, Madame Leota, and more. One route the team could have taken was to update these characters and use modern-day techniques to bring them to a new audience, but they chose a different path.

“For the character behind the bar, we elected to go with the original Haunted Mansion animated figures,” Joseph said. “So, there’s no CGI in that because we wanted it to feel like the original from 1969. Those aren’t animated cartoon characters that you can see in a video game, they are very analog looking. So, we took a very high ISO camera with high resolution and filmed a whole bunch of the figures in the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland and then amped up the quality and added glow and all that.”
I know it’s cliche to say, but the Haunted Mansion Parlor truly is a love letter to the original attraction and the incredible people who made it into the iconic attraction it is and always will be. To shine a haunted light on that and bring this story to a close, I want to share one final story from Daniel Joseph that just really proves why this is more than just another lounge.
“Another character we all loved from the Museum of the Weird was Rolly Crump’s Candleman,” Joseph said. “Sadly, Rolly passed away during the development of the Haunted Mansion Parlor and we were all saddened by that and the fact he’d never get to see it completed.
“So, we knew we wanted to do a bust in there no matter what just like you’d find in the Haunted Mansion, but we then knew the perfect choice was to make it of Rolly. To make it even more special, one of our team members suggested we do Rolly partially as the Candleman and make sure the side of his head that’s melting is next to the fireplace. This was a huge honor and another really detailed thought and the authenticity of the design that follows suit with everything else in the Mansion parlor.”
For more on the Disney Treasure, check out why The Tale of Moana is one of the best shows I’ve seen on land or sea and why the Plaza de Coco dining experience was one of the most emotional I’ve had in quite some time.
Adam Bankhurst is a writer for IGN. You can follow him on X/Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on TikTok.