“So many fun games this year”
- by Ben Kerry

Earlier this week, Microsoft launched its ‘Xbox Year in Review’ tool for 2024, and of course – we’ve all been checking and comparing our personal stats here at PX HQ. However, we’re also curious about what other folks have getting up to on Xbox this year – and following on from Snoop Dogg’s reveal yesterday, Phil Spencer has now dropped his own Xbox Year in Review summary.
And… it’s safe to say that the Xbox boss has spent plenty of time gaming this year. The man has played over 650 hours of Xbox in 2024, with Diablo 4‘s 261 hours clearly topping the list as Phil’s most played game – and by some distance!

Phil’s also still fond of his console, clearly, with the vast majority of his playtime being racked up on Xbox Series X|S. Fallout 76 and Forza Motorsport rounded out the Xbox boss’s top three titles – at 100 hours and 27 hours, respectively.
We really dig the Year in Review feature when it shows up around this time of year – it’s always nice to look back and see what we’ve enjoyed over the last 12 months or so! It’s also good to see that despite a promotion to the CEO of Microsoft Gaming, Phil still has plenty of time for Xbox in his everyday life.
Surprised by Phil’s stats at all? Tell us what you make of ’em down below.
[source threads.net]
Ben is a News Writer at Pure Xbox, and is a fan of action, racing and straight-up shootin’ in any Xbox game he can get his hands on. When he’s not clutching an Xbox controller like his life depends on it, Ben spends his time listening to music that’s far too old for him, watching football on the telly and probably eating somewhere.